February 22, 2025

Winnipeg Optimist Athletics

2025 indoor season is underway. Good luck!

Volunteer Requirement

In recent years, WOA membership has averaged approximately 180 – 200 athletes annually. The director, coaches and parent executive work very hard to support our athletes and the athletic community, but we need your help. WOA is required to provide approximately 400 volunteers for events during the indoor and outdoor seasons. Without volunteers and parents to run meets, competitions cannot be held. Without the help of the athletes and their parents, Track and Field in Manitoba will not flourish.

At the time of WOA registration, all athletes and their families are asked to make a volunteer commitment for:

  • WOA-hosted, Boeing Indoor Classic, two shifts/family (approx 4-6 hours/shift)
  • Athletics Manitoba events: 3-4 events during the indoor/outdoor seasons (totaling 12-15 hours)Athletes and their families are needed to help in all areas of our club and our sport.
  • The Parent Executive seeks people to fill year-round positions such as Treasurer, Secretary, Membership, Uniforms, Fundraising, Social Events, Recruitment/Advertising/Marketing, Phoning/Communications/Volunteers, Social Media/Website Management, Trip Convenor, Parent Coordinator/Liaison with Coaches, Coaches/Coaching Assistants and Representatives to the Board of Athletics Manitoba.
  • The Boeing Classic requires special project management teams. Committees include Lead Organizers, Set up/Take Down, Meet Entries, Meet Registration, Food Service, Security, Finance, Photography, Manpower/Volunteer Recruitment, MTFOA Officials’ Rep, Boeing Program Advertising, Boeing Program Assembly, Results, Announcing, Trophies/Medals and Publicity.
  • Each year, Athletics Manitoba requires WOA to host a major indoor and outdoor competition and to provide volunteers for Athletics Manitoba competitions (approximately 3-4 events/year).
Corrina at the Volunteer Check-In