Formerly known as the Boeing Indoor Classic, WOA is proud to continue the legacy of this track meet. The organization and hosting of the Indoor Age Class Championships is a huge undertaking. Support comes from over 400 volunteers and includes monetary or product contributions from our program sponsors, silent auction donations and 50/50 raffle tickets. This three-day track & field meet is one of the best organized meets on the indoor schedule, as well as being the Manitoba Provincial Indoor Track and Field Championships. This year will include the 2025 Canadian Masters Indoor Championships! Thanks to everyone for their continuing support.
Boeing Canada
Winnipeg Optimist Athletics was proud of its affiliation with Boeing of Canada as the former host of this meet, and will never forget it’s contributions over the years. Boeing Canada, Winnipeg, had supported the Boeing Indoor Classic for 39 years… since 1981. Each year, Boeing contributed significantly in goods, cash and services, as well as 30 – 50 volunteers to this event. You can take a walk down memory lane, as the Boeing Track and Field site is still active. Click HERE
Here are links to the other pages of the Boeing Section of the website if you arrived here by accident.
Media – Photographs from 2023, by Brook Jones, are still available to download.